Friday, February 15, 2008

Joni Mitchell Thoughts....

I love Joni Mitchell and have so much respect for her as an artist, and I absolutely love her new album Shine - God Bless the Grammy's for bringing her album to my attention - and go Joni!!! Wow, you are still doing it!!!! Anew! Check out a song from her latest album here!

Her focus is the environment. It is her passion. And she chain smokes. Is there a link there? Is she a reflection of the environment and is the environment a reflection of her? Because she must be dying of the smoke, is she totally tuned in to the Earth dying of our smoke. Is this why she had to be a chain smoker - to zen with the Earth and bring us this message?

Is there a parallel truth here that can show me why I'm focused on the raw diet and could this truth heal me? Maybe I hurt myself with food so I could find the raw diet and bring in some messages too. But I'm still hurting myself with food - Is it because I see people hurting themselves, and I want to zen with that? I do. I see people choosing things that hurt themselves.

I should accept that I hurt myself with food and that this helps me to see what is going on with humanity hurting itself. The journey will unfold.


Tammy said...
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Tammy said...

I wanted to share some thoughts I have had while struggling with my personal addictions. I feel I have searched inside of myself at deeper and deeper levels, and, unlike those people who seem to experience quick flash experiences of change, and hold that change, mine seems slow and labor-filled. I go back and forth, again and again struggling to reach and maintain a higher state. This inability to quickly change and hold the change can seem shameful to me when I look at this with my ego but brings smiles when I look at this with my Divinity.

I feel there are so many areas I am manifesting change in but because of the limited nature of being human, I have to make decisions about what is important to expend energy to change and what I feel inspired to leave to others, praying for their help as part of the Conscious Oneness.

Happy Nataraj said...

This is so central to my experience. I have been a Raw Fooder off and on. I struggle with too many dates or Raw sweets and not enough salads. I know some of my choices aren't the best, but I still go through the discomfort to find myself back at a resolution to right my diet. I think it's just part of the evolution. Patience, forgiveness, and commitment will pay off.

Smoke dissapears into the spirit realm. Shamans from all cultures have used smoking to meditate and have revelations about their purpose on earth. Smoking is bad, but the Shaman lives by otherworldly rules. I see artist as Shamans. Perhps as we heal and formulate our new Earth, the Shaman and the purify High Priest(ess) will become one.

kristin said...

You may be right about their being a zen of destruction, like a natural human tendency towards destruction or the dark side of ourselves. I see it in the history of humanity turning towards greed, gluttony, substance abuse, abuse of sex, avoid being real, conscious, vulnerable. I guess those things fill us with fear, maybe fear of not being in control of things (which of course we can never fully be).

So for me, with all of that in mind, I approach my gluttony (and my non-raw food choices) in a very gentle way. I'm choosing not to label myself as being wrong for when I choose cooked food. Instead every time I choose live food, and to eat in moderation, I celebrate the ways I am becoming more conscious, more alive, maybe even choosing to live in the "uncontrollable" that is me without holding on or fearing. It's really quite an exciting journey when I approach it that way (which, believe me, is not always my approach...but it's growing!).

For me, the choice is always mine. I may live on a planet with people that are bent on hurting themselves. And that tendency does indeed flow through my veins. But it doesn't have to be my destiny, even if my destiny is only different in the way I perceive it. Maybe I am still self-destructive. But the fact that I now eat 80% or more raw foods each day compared to 10% raw six years ago is progress.

There is a saying in 12 step groups: progress not perfection. I may be caught in the web of unhealthy habit, learned in childhood, perpetuated by society. But I believe I am on a road of progression, healing, wholeness! And, does zen philosophy say that when we change, the world around us changes? I don't know, but that's kind of what I believe.

Thanks for this blog and thank you for allowing me to comment. It's a very interesting topic!

Pearl said...

I am sorry if this is rude Jinjee but that is the most absurd theory I have ever heard! Pure rationalization.

I love Joni Mitchell but Joni Mitchell's smoking simply demonstrates her hypocrisy. Hypocrises we all have, but hypocrisy nevertheless, period. She has self-esteem issues, probably a self-loathing and shame of her own white heritage, so the environment is now her new religion.

Her Christian heritage (what she has issues with more than likely) is channeled through a fanatical "passion" for the environment in which she, more than likely, vehemently forces on others, like Christians do non-Christians. The environment is a more acceptable religion, she most likely believes. To hypothesize that she is somehow communing with nature to plea for Earth's health is truly the most distorted, wishful thinking I have heard of late and yet another example of how left wing thinkers co-opt other spiritual traditions without first clearing the shame, self hatred and their own anti-Christian bias. Distorting common sense and our natural instincts is something far left thinkers do regularly, utterly confusing the rest of the community and vulnerable young minds. I should know I was one.

Unknown said...

Pearl, do you realize your critique of Jinjee's explanation applies to your histrionic persecution complex even more?

Hypocrisy? Pot kettle black!