Monday, July 23, 2007

Gluttony is Human Nature

Hello. My name is Jinjee Talifero and I am the co-author with my husband Storm of the eBook The Garden Diet and 11 other eBooks about The Raw Vegan Diet. My friend Faith Paul emailed me today an article she wrote about Gluttony saying how important it is that we get rid of this vice, and asked me what I felt about her writings. This blog is my answer to that question.

My first thought is that gluttony is human nature. And yet it is also one of the seven deadly sins. And so of course most of us die of it. Yes, most people eat themselves to death sooner or later. If anyone reading this is free of the sin of gluttony let them comment and advise us on their success. Even skinny people are guilty of gluttony, just not as often.

And so it is my goal to help you to learn how to control your gluttony. I do not believe we can ever completely get rid of our gluttony. That would be an unrealistic goal and therefore cause much frustration. But we must simply not be gluttonous as often. Our goal should be to be able to say "I am not as gluttonous as I used to be". Of course we don't really use the word gluttonous in conversation much these days. We call gluttony "pigging out".

So, getting to the point - how do you control gluttony?

1. try, try, try
2. never give up
3. don't beat yourself up when you are gluttonous
4. think positively
5. play tricks on your own mind
6. exercise
7. plan what you are going to eat
8. keep a food journal
9. realize that emotional eating is a good thing
10. visualize yourself in your ideal body

Yes, realize that emotional eating is a good thing! I know, you've been told so often that you should not eat to satisfy your emotional needs but rather only when you are hungry. Well, that is a very nice concept but not at all how humans operate or were programmed to operate.

From birth we are programmed to be comforted by food! Mother's milk has opiates in it that Mother Nature put there to calm us when we are scared, hurt, or frustrated.

And as adults we still eat for comfort. And that is a good thing! Realize that you need to eat. It is important for you to eat three to five delicious nourishing meals each day. You are important. You are a miracle. And you deserve the best food in the world. You deserve to get up from your meals feeling ready to take on the world. So make the best food you can. Sit down and eat it in a beautiful place, taking time to really enjoy your food.

When you eat you are communing with Mother Nature. She enjoys nursing you as a Mother enjoys nursing her baby. A Mother enjoys nursing as much as her baby does. It is forming a bond of love between the two. When you eat, Mother Nature is loving you, comforting you, energizing you. She loves you so much, - more than you can ever imagine!!! Do you know how much you love your newborn baby? That is nothing compared with the love The Mother Spirit has for you! You should be totally blissed out when you get up from the table, drunk on her love. And the good feeling of the food in your tummy should give you energy to do great work in the world!

This week when you sit down to eat, focus on your eating, taking deep breaths between mouthfuls, savoring your food. Realize that you are eating the perfect food for your body, the food that is grown on this earth for your optimum performance. Enjoy the color, texture, smell, and flavor!

Next week I will talk about some of the other ways listed above to end pigging out, abate gluttony, cut down on out-of-control eating, and stop bingeing.

Meanwhile for raw vegan recipes and transition advice order my eBooks in my store!

Until then,


Anonymous said...
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Dina said...

HI Jingee!

I have been visiting your website for a little over a year and I even bought an ebook from your website and watched your documentary on your raw family!

I am curious about the issue of bloating. I have been eating a mostly raw vegan diet and I encountered bloating. When I did my master cleanse, my stomach was flat as a board. When I fasted on juices from my juicer, I was a little bloated. I heard that a raw vegan diet will detoxify your body so much that the digestive system has a hard time catching up. Is this true? How can I alleviate my bloating? I normally have a 27 inch waist even though I wear a size 12 right now.

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Thanks for this post. It gives me something to think about.

Goodbeets said...

something in me says that committing gluttony is another way of expressing one's need to "get their share" rather than having faith that there will always be enough.. And yet our ancestors (and many of our current brothers and sisters) did not get enough, had lean times and starved to death. Interesting to ponder. I would so like to see every body on this plant well and happily fed!!

ShalomSerene said...

Timely subject, in our country, particularly! I am a food addict. I have searched & prayed long for an answer for myself & all the others I see daily suffering as well. I believe my prayer has been answered. Kevin Trudeau's recent book, 'The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About' describes a protocol by a doctor that the FDA disapproved back in the 60's. Strangely, the doctor is dead now, but his method and theory are coming back to life. Theory is that the hypothalamus becomes offset from proper functioning due to drugs, processed foods, and obesity so that it no longer allows a person to metabolize properly &, further, curses them with insatiable hunger. I, and many thousands of others, are finding that the hCG, a natural protein type of substance extracted from the urine of pregnant women, recommended in the protocol apparently re-sets the hypothalamus! I am free from perpetual hunger for the first time I can remember. You may see a VLOG of my journey under the video tab on my new site at
Understand that even with clean, raw vegan eating I was still struggling horribly, I believe because of the improperly functioning hypothalamus which just doesn't seem to be repaired even by clean eating.
This protocol has enabled me at last to be able to do the Raw Vegan Garden Diet without the cravings and food issues I once had. And I am finally getting that weight off, too!
BTW, I have now proven that it is possible for the protocol to be effective on a raw vegan regimen! Hallelujah!
I pray others who desperately need this will benefit from the information.
Blessed, healthy, prosperous & free be,

Taboulichic said...

Jinjee! Please post more on the subject of gluttony. I do struggle with this especially while pregnant (I'm presently 6.5 months pregnant). I am interested in reading more from you on this!